Curse of the Golden Vampire

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Hmmm . . .

Can anybody else tolerate these guys?

This is a project from Justin Broderick of Godflesh. They are basically a METAL version of Technoise or digital hardcore. It's like Godflesh meets Phantomsmasher.

It'd be cool if some of you guys at least gave them a try. That way you'll have some digital hardcore in you collection. At the least it's a good way to make everybody leave a party in a hurry. COTGV makes Converge 'Jane Doe' sound like the soundtrack to Bambi.

This will most likely be in the top 10 for 2003 for me. I have their second album 'Mass Destruction'. It is on Mike Patton's Ipecac Records.

this is some of the most bizarre stuff i have ever heard. if there was a band that embodied the word "clusterfuck", this would be that band. noisy, nasty and harder to swallow than a handful of thumbtacks.

and that having been said, it is pretty damn addictive. it will be a while before i figure this one out, though
That's cool that you bought this. It is sort of like watching a large horse fuck a hot porn star and then shit on her face. You know you don't want see it, but you just can't look away.

Curse does start to make sense after many listens. At first its just total chaos. There's acutally a huge scene developing that plays music along these lines. The only other group I have in this genre is Phantomsmasher (formerly Atomsmahser). They are awesome as well.