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K guys we need somebody to play the drums. If any of you have any friends that are good drum players get them to record their parts as well.
He can do this. I know my little drum monkey ^^
But the problem will be to get a good record. He only can record it with his mobile phone. And that sounds really bad.

I would like to help you with my Bass. But since I fractured my left hand 4 times at once, it's very hard for me to come on an acceptable level of speed and precision. :cry:
UGH! Anyone in Hannover got recording equipment he can you.
Olli you prolly sound better then me, I think I am about to give up trying to play my bass. I will never be Ted :cry:
I got an Idea. if the sound of the Drums aint that important, I could use my E-Drum kit... just need better pedals and a cable to get the sound direct into the PC... maybee I can do something this way... but I need at least a Singin melody or a Guitar riff or something...
cant do drums to a text -.-'
damn... I cant do drums do a text oO ... *waits* ^^
so if Guitar work is done... send them to me aswell, so I can manage some drums to it... at least try ^^