Cyber Death Metal. podxt/dfh


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
thanks dudes! its the bigbottom amp model, and the v30 cab with the screamer for boost. i don't have a bass so i recorded a 3rd guitar track and octaved it and ran it through Guitar Rig 2. rofl.
Sounds good so far man! Great riffage and suitable guitar tone!

If you wouldn't mind shring it, a link to your Pod tone would be awesome to have a play with :rock:
sorry dude, my podxt died on me a week ago! and i never saved the patches to my pc. its pretty aggrevating!!! but try what i posted above, and eq it with a boost at 800hz, 1.7k, 2.5k and 7-8k for clarity and growl. i have a couple questions though...

would a ENGL pre-amp give me a tone similar to this? i want a nice growl and something that djents pretty well too. any suggestions anyone has would be awesome! and is there any good bass guitar programs around? i've been octaving a dry guitar track and running it through guitar rig to try to fill out the low end, with epic failure, rofl. and i can't get a bass until i get a new amp/preamp to record with and for gigs and stuff.
If you have Reason, there are some great distorted bass samples around that (i can't remember who) uses all the time and I think it sounds great.

Also I remember a guy that's in the band Severed Savior having an Engl preamp for his main rig and it always sounded great. He used to post clips on the harmony central amp forum all the time. I think his name is Mike. Also you can check out for some sound clips of any engl.
reason huh. i bought that a couple years ago, but it looked really complicated, and made my brain hurt so i shelved it. im just a stupid dislexic guitar player, anything more than cubase or nuendo with dfh confuses the fuck out of me. i want to get a real bass, but im poor/broke working a shit job, and im having trouble saving up for a new amp as it is, rofl. the new bass player in my band has a cool bass, but he just started learning some songs, and they are really complicated and i don't wanna cram too much down his neck at once, rofl.