Cyclone Temple

Does anyone remember this great band from Chicago? (they were called Znowhite even before that!)They released the album "I Hate Therefore I Am" in 1990 on Combat Records and a couple releases after that. I just spun their stuff after a long time and was amazed at how awesome they still sound. They reformed under the name Rebels Without Applause and are CRUSHING!!! But don't take my word for it. Check out their site as they have sound samples and let me know what you think. I think they are really a unpolished gem.
I saw Cyclone Temple opening for Widowmaker with Wicked Maraya nearly 10 years ago - that whole show kicked ass. I wish I knew what I did with their CD...
I saw them at a place called Scully's in Virginia Beach. I was actually there to see Wicked Maraya - I'd just gotten into them and was thrilled to find out they were opening. They all came over and chatted with me because I was wearing a DT shirt (this was a few months after Awake came out), and they were all from the same general area. (I think they were just boggled that a chick knew who they were and liked 'em!)