Dallas, Oct 4

The show was badass! The very same set as mentioned before; short, but very intense. Definitely the best performance as far as stage presence, head banging, and intensity goes. The only thing off was that they didn't have the transformers they needed for the dual rectifiers and they were forced to use Vader's amp heads, which left them a little short of their traditional gainy sound. That wasn't a big deal though, and it still sounded fucking killer, also they were supposed to have their own equipment for the rest of the shows.

BlackwaterNymph and Exhumer, I looked out for you guys, but I was a little impaired, and couldn't recognize you. I spent most of my time hanging around the band and bugging them. hahaha. They are definitely some of the coolest guys around and once again made it a hell of a time. I will have some pictures to post shortly.
Yeah I was checking for you too....I was at the front in front of the first tree there, the whole time...from 7 til 1:30, hehe. I was with a guy with shoulder length red hair that spent a lot of time in the pit if you saw him or me

Damn good show, I'm so glad I went. Until next time!
Yea, I saw you black water nymph, I was in the pit area around there as well, but I wasn't entirly sure if it was you. Man, that show still has my neck hurting. It was pretty funny, I walked up stairs with my beer and just like I pictured I see Amon Amarth all sitting together around a table with tons of bottles just talking a joking, thought that was kind of funny anyway. Really nice guys, talked them a bit, defintaly the best band of the night...glad you both had a good time as well!
I have no idea what you look like, so I couldn't look around for you...didn't see Sumerian either but I don't know what he looks like either, haha. I really wanted to meet AA, kinda grumpy I didn't get to. Oh well, mainly I just wanted to see them live.

My neck still hurts too.
Sweet! Hope they turn out well, my buddy got some nice shots. I looked like prob everyone else there: 6'1, long blonde hair, black button up shirt, boots, 160 lbs=generic white metal head, haha. Me and my buddy do a local zine called Descendingdarkness, you should check it out sometimes if you can at www.descendingdarkness.net, I also write the extremeties column for the harder beat, whoo hoo.
haha, yep, you are correct. I remember that red haired guy standing by you because I was wearing my Transylvanian hunger longsleeve and he said something about it to me. The new DD issue is out but I don't think our web masa has uploaded it yet, its got some goodies, Vital Remains, Grimfist, Omnium Gatherium etc, good issue me thinks..
Hmm...you were wearing a Darkthrone shirt? I don't remember him talking to you at all...unless it was when I was in the restroom or he was in the pit. Oh well I'm sure I'll see you at another show.
I was wearing a long sleeved AA shirt, and I have long blonde hair. Like I said, I was pretty much just sitting around with the band the whole time except when they were playing, of course. I had to leave before Nile since our ride was getting impatient, which sucks because I was looking forward to seeing them. I have my pictures developed, but they turned out kind of shitty with the drunk photographers and the disposable camera. I'm going to post them as soon as I can find a scanner that works.