Damageplan - New Found Dissapointment


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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man, i saw them sunday and all i could do was scream out pantera songs like fuckin hostile/sandblasted skin/im broken/cowboys from hell/ and domination, and all we got was crappy dmg plan songs all the time and they sucked! one called fuck you was ok and breathing new life had a good beat, but goddamn, over all it sucked! it was like crappy remakes of this love over and over which this love sucked to begin with! all we got was walk at the end of the show, and man, i personally dont like walk, i wanted a fuckin fast ass mosh your ass off song, but got nothing, ill never put another dollar into damage plan, i urge everyone on this board to avoid them at all cost, especially if you go to the shows to see a goddamn pantera set. :puke: :puke: :yuk: :rolleyes:
yeah but they arent Pantera. It would be stupid to play Pantera songs, they have played those songs a zilllion times. They want to play some Damage Plan.

I can understand being dissapointed but never expect to hear songs from a band that isn't playing.
I bought it as soon as it came out and admittedly i was expecting some hair windmill inducing cool as fuck riff whoring beasty music but...alas...i was denied. Real dissapointment, ah well, im not too bothered really
damage plan are nu metal hidden behind the mask of a once decent guitar player. damageplan sucks and i still believe pantera is over rated.

i couldnt expect anything different from damageplan.
well ill give you dmg plan on suckin for damn sure, and although i like phils side shit for the most part i can give you that, but how can you deny pantera man? that shit is just like fuckin liquid gold to my ass!
I can't believe you just said that.

Although Pantera did own.

And I love how people say Phil never had any talent. Has anyone listened to Cowboys From Hell recently?
I actually like some of the new Damageplan songs...and I love Pantera's groovy-as-hell riffs and the drumming by Vinnie Paul is superb...not to add Phil's vocals when they were still quite good and he wasn't so fucked up on drugs.
damage plan is an inescapable disappointment, i dont really understand all the phil bashing though. yeah hes full of himself, yeah hes arrogant, but no more so than any black metal frontman ever or someone like glen benton. despite his arrogance, the man can write a song, and he gets a lot of crap from underground kids thats pretty undeserved because he happened to be in a big band. ahh well.