DAMMIT need help

How abouts you start playing before you start naming? Get to a point where you actually deserve a name.

Here's an idea for one: "Not Worth a Name".

Or maybe "Fwuffy Bunny Wabbits"? Hmmm.... perhaps that one would be better for death or black or something like that....
Heavy metal it's what really kicks ass when I'm bored and need energy. The best is Slayer.
Thank you for reviving this thread that's been dead for SIX DAYS to bring us that important information, especially since it has NOTHING to do with the original (and also fucking retarded) topic. Kudos!
Midnight Terror
Carnage Holocaust
Church Arson
Death by Chainsaw
Butcher Knife

glad your starting a thrash band cause world needs newer thrash bands that shows no mercy and are NOT melodic what so ever just like it was back in the good old days. i like opeth and what not but im starting to get sick of melodic metal.