Damn Churchies...

Yeah, from memory it actually does say not to swear. I can't be fucked looking for the reference but I believe it's vaguely along the lines of... just as both sweet water and foul cannot flow from the same spring, so a pure mind is befouled by wicked thoughts and a clean tongue is befouled by bad language. Something with that gist anyway.

This oh-so-pious fan must not listen to much of what DT is like when they speak casually. Mike and James, certainly, swear pretty much constantly.
I think it's pretty funny that he's been suggesting DT to his church chums, even though there have been a few colourful words here and there in their older albums too. It's not like all of a sudden they started using swear words for the one album...
Maybe it's Burning My Soul I'm thinking of. One of the FII songs, anyway. But nothing before that, they were all nice and serious musicians before that.
Sadly the bible only tells parts of what may be atrue story, the rest was put together by a bunch of monks in exile for their belief's. They thought if they wote a novel that would scare the living fuck out of their enemie's it would exact some revenge. So really, your a fuck if you take in 95% of the fear peddling that the bible pushes.