Damn Edguy

Not to say that I think all power-metallers are untalented, I just don't like the music. If I say something that offends you (insulting a band you like, etc.) consider it in a joking manner. I don't disregard them as musicians, but I just can't take them seriously (thanks to lioness)
I've "deicided" to not participate in any other forum action other than that of the Nevermore forum. (sorry, the Deicide thing just came to mind, although I hate Deicide)
I don't sign my reputations because I don't want to take credit for nice things I say... I want to give people credit by saying nice things...

As for bad reps... I don't bother posting any because it's a waste of time and nobody will ever grow from it
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Larf03 said:
I don't sign my reputations because I don't want to take credit for nice things I say... I want to give people credit by saying nice things...

As for bad reps... I don't bother posting any because it's a waste of time and nobody will ever grow from it

Lost Horizon is good power metal. Their first cd was really great, their second a little disappointing, but still good. Beside them, I don't enjoy much power metal.

Oh the first Falconer cd was good too. Same with elvenking ( a little cheesy, but still interesting )
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
:erk: some guy gave me a bad rep because I insulted Edguy, yes, EDGUY. I am officially pissed. If you like Edguy, KISS MY FUCKIN ARSE :yell:



If I could move around while I was logged in (The freaking pages won't load)Id rep ya just to make up for the bad rep....I'll do it when I can....

I got a bad rep in the testament forum for some reason. For being myself, and they had the audacity to tell me someone was really and truly a homo. Like I give a fuck who's a homo or not. Thanks to Maharet, she came in, cancelled out the bad rep, and saved my two bar status! Thanks Maharet! I owe you one when I can log in and move around!

Not fond at all of power metal...but it's just a matter of taste, and if you don't like something what's the difference? It's one persons opinion that shouldn't threaten anyone else. How stupid to neg rep people without saying who. It's not like you're gonna go ballistic and smash shit. I've had several, that's why I say this.
I've heard Nevermore described as "death metal with clean vocals," as well as "grunge thrash." Power/thrash, to me, conjures up bands like Metal Church, Imagika, Heathen, and Agent Steel.

The best power metal bands (apart from the godly Blind Guardian) are old-school bands like Running Wild and Grave Digger. Newer power metal, with a couple exceptions (Dragonforce comes to mind for sheer fun factor), is neatly divided into Boring Formulaic Helloween Wannabe Suckage (Hammerfall, Edguy) and Fagadelic Flower Metal Keyboard Suckage (Rhapsody, Sonata Arctica).

People who hide on the internet are pretty fucking lame. You're already protected by the fact that you're probably miles away from whoever you're insulting; don't hide your fucking screen name. That's just cowardly.