Damn Warrel, what happened?


Mar 10, 2012

Rough night?
Who cares.

I've looked worse on a sober day.

Real question is..... did you eat the worms of the enemy after this photo?
Sorry, I don't know the band's history that well... I only saw you once (by accident. I went to see your opening act, In Flames) and didn't get into the band until around the time you broke up. TBH, I thought that pic was after your run-in with Billy Milano.

And for BM to write about you you have to make some news. ;) But yeah, they do use atrocious pictures of musicians.
lol Billy Milano.. metals Ted Nugent. Defiantly an enigmatic character

Yep punch the skinny guy that didn't fuck your girlfriend because he told someone about it instead of the guy that actually fucked your girlfriend standing right next to you. Brave. Enigmatic. Douche.

Of all the fights I've heard of between musicians, he's the only one I ever saw hauled off to jail for it. Hope someone made Billy his bitch. All of metal would be better off without that knuckledragger.