Damn!!! What a Cheap Haul

Wheezer said:
Glad to help! PM me your snail mail and I'll send you a disc of their Mp3s. That's all I've got of them except for Flow.

Once I thought a bit about that order I thought the same as you. It is a big order. The biggest I've gotten in a really long time. :grin:
Not to mention you bought some clearance items that they probably had to dig in the warehouse for! I'll PM shortly! :Spin:
Hawk said:
I am wondering how you like the Sieges Even album. :p
I know that I am pimping my homies Sieges Even like crazy, but IMH And Very Subjective Opinion they are worth the effort. :)

I think it's great you've been pimping them because that's how I got into them. They are getting some pretty high praise in a few other places I frequent.

I'll let you know how it is when I get it and give it a few spins. I'm really looking forward to it.

Hawk said:
About Vision Divine; I just got their DVD and its amazing!! Their singer is so damn good it unbelievable!

I like him a lot. The new one took a few spins to get me hooked but I like it quite a bit. I'd really like to see them at Prog Power. There's been a lot of talk about them on that board but I'm not sure they'd rate more than an opening slot and those slots are already filled.