

Mar 26, 2004

i spotted theres a half crate of bottles to the bottom right, get in there mehdi fast!!! ill keep look out hehe
dont really know what happened there or where it was even, i think its recent though

an artic truck jack knifed into a canal around my way a few years back, what you think was in its container?? full of toilet rolls!! fucking useless
Bambi said:
did the bog roll soak up all the water??

:lol: ah stop the lights, but hey for a long time they were all over the place, even pulled a few out while fishing along that stretch of water

knackers were spotted in the area too cleaning up on bog rolls
I remember this spirits factory that accidentally sent 2000 litres of spirits down the drain, killed a bunch of fish in the nearby lake it went into, what a way to go. Some of it was fine liquor too.
thing is though i dont like those shitty g-strings, whats the idea like? they look shite, its the equivalent to a guy wearing thongs! from her rear view it just looks like shes concealing a sack of balls, that punani flab yukkk disgusting ghastly sight. give me those knickers that Kylie wears any day :D
dont think Ive ever come across a man in a thong.(not literally before anyone starts)

thongs hurt yer bum end of. Theres nothing sexy a bit of material between yer cheeks.