Damnation Angels

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Well dunno bout you but I've never even heard of this band until a couple of days ago. They are from right here in the UK and sound like a very seasoned symph metal band indeed. They only have an ep which came out a year ago now but the band has a lot of potential. They are even playing quite close to me in Oct so I might even venture forth to see what they are like live. The music reminds me of the music of Phantom of the Opera set to a metal framework.

I guess not many tried this but this is just too good to leave alone. I bought the ep direct off the band and I even wrote a very gushing email to the guys, giving them a lot of praise which they deserve. I asked them for permission to upload another track to Youtube which is not on their myspace and they kindly granted me it. The track in question is called "I Hope" and it is a wonderful power metal song with brilliant arrangements. This band deserves some recognition people. Apparently they are recording their full length and hope to release it via a Japanese label sometime in 2011.

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That was cool that the band let you post that on YT for others to get a taste of their music.

I liked this, and would love to hear a full cd release from them.

Ok, I will go check out their other samples on their MS page now.

Thanks for the thread Fire Breath, another good posting.