DAMNATIONS DAY "Invisible, the Dead" is officially out today

Got this in Atlanta. Lots of Halford-esque singing. I was expecting something different.

I have not fully absorbed the disc but it's hit and miss so far. First track is simply awesome though.

I personally like the second track more than the first :) This is one of those that is interesting, it's not complicated, but it still continues to grow on me with repeated listens.

To each his own I guess. Never been a fan of screechy Halford but hey... That's me. :goggly:
Yo, the new DAMNATIONS DAY "Invisible, the Dead" is officially out today, it's worthy, listen to three tracks here...


Its worthy? Is that the best you can do?
I bought 40+ cd's at progPower...I have listened to Damnations Day at least 5 times where some of the others have received ZERO plays as of yet! The vocals are great! Its heavy as hell in places and worthy of a top ten of 2013 selection!
Is it worthy? Hell yes! Am I worthy???:notworthy