Dan, any advice for a one man band?


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2005
About 2 years ago I bought some recording equipment, cuz I've always wanted to be a man of the metal cloth. I want to do it all myself. As far as forming a band, its hard finding anyone thats into the same type of music, and its more convenient doing everything myself. Plus, I've been playing drums for 13 years, guitar for 9, and I have a pretty good singing voice as well. So I've recorded a ton of stuff, in all different types of metal. Sent demos out to record companies, gotten rejected a few times. The major problem is the whole, not having a band or a following of fans deal, which I understand. I know there is some lacking in my production as well, I've had to use digital drum tracks because the sound quality of recording my drums is horrid. I would just like some of my stuff to be heard. In the end, I really do it for myself. If I had to spend the rest of my life just recoding my own stuff for myself, that would be fine. I guess I'm just looking for any pointers on how to get a record company to recognize my talent, and to hopefully thrive as a one man outfit, with maybe like a touring band.
I by no means have a successful band, but I think I can give a few tips that I find to be important. Even though you do everything yourself, first and foremost, put together a live band no matter what, even if it takes a while to convert a few musicians to a particular style. After that, get out onto your local scene, being successful there is not only about talent, it's usually just the fact that you're providing some entertainment for a social setting, and people will listen and enjoy to the shittiest of shit when it comes to local scenes, often times, so if you've got some talent, you will surely gather a fanbase/following, atleast locally, which will help with the signing process. There is a band that I know which sounds absolutely HORRID, nu-metal, and played poorly, and these guys are touring some US states this year. All because they went out and just kept playing even though the music is 100% unlistenable (even if recorded in the studio).
I've been playing with a few guys, and right now we're doing cover songs. Hopefully in the next month or so we'll be playing in some bars and whatnot. It was really hard even starting to practice with them because, musically, I felt so compromised. I went from listening to nothing but Opeth, Dark Tranquility, Iced Earth, Children of Bodom, Borknagar, Vintersorg, In Flames, Nightingale, and a whole bunch of other great bands, to playing limp biscuit, papa roach, disturbed, and a lot more garbage. It kind of feels like selling your soul. Eventually I think we're gonna be doing originals, and I'm gonna try to work a lot of metal into it, but it's hard influencing other band members who aren't into that stuff. Which is why I love doing everything myself. Thanks for the input.
Well, you really have to push it, I mean, do the other guys ALWAYS pick the covers you guys play? Make sure they let you choose a cover, and throw in something really cool form your favorite bands and they're bound to like it if they've got ears.
I'm in a one-man band, and there's no way to possibly get other bandmates. I know there are a lot of people at ozzfest but they're usually losers and I think they migrate from far away. (Burgettstown, PA Ozzfest)

I'm working on the last song for my demo, it's a full-length demo... I agree, I don't think anyone would want to watch one guy on stage play guitar and sing, with a massive backtrack playing drums, synth, bass.... ;) So if you know anyone in the area, or know how to find people, please let me know. I have a specific sound that is not going to change.. I have 4 songs done and thats 46 minutes there. I play sort of exciting, instrumental melodic metal.. with cool synths. ;)

I rock out to mellotron, crush with a church organ, and throw in a harp for good measure. And sometimes a piano.
I'm in the same boat as you guys. At this point I have 3 bands. 2 Live ones, and a solo project, because being a dictator is not always easy. Do I expect the album I'm working on to get picked up...maybe... If it doesn't then what?? Well in this day in age, with the technology being what it is, it's not hard to get your own stuff out to people. It takes a little know how and publicity and websites and what not, but you can still create a fairly decent fan base and buzz without having to play out. Then again this is a theory I haven't tested yet. It just seems like it would be easier now then it was 10 years ago to do your own self promotion, have friends help with art work, and self finance the printing of disks. I could be completely talking out my ass. Let me know what you think. :)
