DAN NELSON kicks our asses one more time!!!

I said it during Dan's time in Anthrax and ever since, and I'll say it again.

He is a fucking awesome vocalist.

This tune fucking slays.
Don sounds a lot like John Bush and tries to look and act like Phil Anselmo. Nothing revolutionary going on here

Pretty fucking hard to be a "revolutionary" singer in today's day and age - what the hell do you want from the guy??? And comparing him to 2 of metal's greatest frontmen of the last couple of decades is hardly a bad thing.
I think it's good, but it's far from kicking anyone's ass. I missed the part where he supposedly kicked our asses the first time. :rolleyes:
I actually have no problem with his vocals, but I was enjoying that song a lot more until he started singing. His voice doesn't seem to fit it. He really does sound like a John Bush-alike which is I suppose no bad thing, but not for this song.

I really like it, but I could see someone like Ripper Owens doing that a LOT better.
Pretty fucking hard to be a "revolutionary" singer in today's day and age - what the hell do you want from the guy??? And comparing him to 2 of metal's greatest frontmen of the last couple of decades is hardly a bad thing.

He only tries to look and act like Phil Anselmo, he doesn't sound a thing like him.

And John Bush never was or ever will be considered one of the greatest METAL singers of all time.

I'll give that to Phil Anselmo but not John Bush
And John Bush never was or ever will be considered one of the greatest METAL singers of all time.

Yeah well I said from the last couple of decades first of all, and secondly, there's a ton of people who'd disagree with you there.

You yourself continually compare the guy to Anselmo who you agree is one of the greatest frontmen, and Bush who you say is a good enough singer, so I just don't get how that can be such a bad thing.
Yeah well I said from the last couple of decades first of all, and secondly, there's a ton of people who'd disagree with you there.

You yourself continually compare the guy to Anselmo who you agree is one of the greatest frontmen, and Bush who you say is a good enough singer, so I just don't get how that can be such a bad thing.

I compare him as a joke. Not as taking him seriously. He tries so hard to LOOK and IMITATE the stage moves of Phil Anselmo that he should be embarrassed.

If I wanted to listen to John Bush I'd go put in Volume 8 or some shit. DON Nelson tries to sound like John Bush, just not as 'good'. He'd be better off doing an Armored Saint cover band at this point.
You know, singing in this instant song doesn't remind me of John Bush at all. Maybe in couple of other tunes, just not this one.
something decent the metal-world could do without, i wouldn't spend my hard-earned cash on it, sounds like 100 other bands and songs i heard before.