Dan Nelson twitters (what do you call it?): "new music first week in Feb"


Burning headbanger
Jul 24, 2009
I just found myself googling for Dan Nelson.

Man he has been twittering a lot about new music recently =)


I find this quite ok - are these all demo versions of upcoming songs maybe? Obviously there are digital drums on some of the songs, but not all. And what is the band name, Black Gates...?


Must say I do not really see a poor man's Phil Anselmo anymore ... Hey, I am even headbanging to that song "Noose" - and that with a hangover! =) (Jägermeister, German Beer) :headbang:

Would be interesting the get your take on this.
The sad thing is he'll have an album released before Anthrax does, I like Dan so I think it's great, but what does that say about Anthrax? They really need to step it up and get their shit together.
Not to mention Paul Bostaph on drums, man that guy is sick. But then again what has he ever played on?:lol:

Funny and true story about Paul Bastaph. He was hired as a session drummer to play drums for a band called Systematic back in 2002 or so. I know this for a fact because I worked in this studio at the time. Howard Benson was the producer. He got canned because he couldn't keep his timing. Howard Benson fired him Donald Trump style. I was bummed because I actually like the guy!
Yeah me too...but the fact is you never know until you really work with those people in the studio. I've heard many rumors about well-known musicians...
i thought that Bostaph was a pretty good drummer (Slayer, Exodus, Forbidden).

He is a good drummer. But sometimes in a studio setting when you are paying a session guy by the hour etc you need someone that is a machine with timing. Back then at least in the studio he wasn't good at his timing and that was a deal breaker.

That being said the band he was working with Systematic I thought were horrible. I really liked Pauls work with slayer and he was awesome on the last Testament album.
So he didn't really play on the Systematic album? I thought he was a permanent band member, not only a session drummer.