on one of the old vids from the early Anthrax years...Dan kinda reminds me of Neil..he has the big man on campus walk...
but he sounds Good...very brutal...I'm sure he can get by singing death metal vocals...I hope the new album KILLS................
Well all I can say now is, I can't wait for the new f'n album to come out.

Anthrax is taking two steps forward, lets just hope they don't take 100 step backs and go the wrong way again like they did with the reunion.
I really hope that Dan lays aside the wanna-be-Phil-Anselmo-tough-guy stage acting. It just screams FAKE! every second. His stage banter ain't unique either, of what I've seen much of it is very Bush-esque. You can be a great energetic frontman without acting like a moron... his predecessor was the best imaginable example. While watching these vids, I really want to be excited... but instead I'm left with a foul taste in my mouth. :erk:
THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one who was bugged by that! I can't STAND the tough guy routine that Phil Anselmo and others do. It makes me want to say "OK dude, we KNOW you're a man. Now shut up and sing."
yeah.... "get the fuck up" and such has it's place but it's way over used sometimes. most of the time i don't like banter during the songs. in between is just fine like when they say what the songs about or the usual "You guys are great it's great to be here" stuff. if he sticks around for long he'll most likely back off a little. it's got to get old telling people to go crazy and they still stand still most of the time like i do cause i'm watching and listening to the show.
thats something i always thought was so great about john bush he always seemed so pure n hounest i mean sure he swore at the crowd like most metal singers but he wasn't tryin to prove anythin
You have to remember this guy was plucked from obscurity to front arguably one of the most important metal bands ever. He was probably nervous as hell. He's obviously a big Anselmo fan and i agree that his stage persona kinda mimicks Phil a bit but im sure given time he'll ground out his own persona a bit more. Personally i think the guys damn good.
I can think of a lot of worse singers that he could mimmick, Dan will find his own niche. Going from playing bars right to the Maiden tour and not forgetting the words is priceless, I'd probably poop myself. I am so excited about this band again.
Well no shit it doesn't sound good. You fucked the recording up by converting it into a piece of shit mp3 and the quality of the recording is extremely hollow and tinny sounding now. Of course it isn't going to sound good:Smug::Smug::Smug::Smug::Smug:.
You made me fucking laugh! :lol: Have you ever heard any bootleg? Probably not. Have you heard the original file? I highly doubt. I didn't post the link to show you a quality of the bootleg, I wanted to point out the Nelson singing. And my opinion is, Nelson totally fucked that song up.
BTW If you want, I can upload somewhere the original file in FLAC format.
Hey Jackass, I was at the show, I have a copy of the Flac cd, and I have over 800 bootlegs. I know what the original sounds like and the piece of shit MP3 that you posted absolutely degrades the quality of it. So, yeah, Dan is obviously going to sound not as good when you put up a lesser than clip. Have a good day and go fuck yourself.
Hey Jackass, I was at the show, I have a copy of the Flac cd, and I have over 800 bootlegs. I know what the original sounds like and the piece of shit MP3 that you posted absolutely degrades the quality of it. So, yeah, Dan is obviously going to sound not as good when you put up a lesser than clip. Have a good day and go fuck yourself.
So you say Nelson sang the song in tune and you like the style how he sang that song and his out-tune singing and his obvious small vocal range is caused by converting a FLAC file into the MP3 file, right?:loco:
Anyway, here's the link to the original file in FLAC format: http://www.mediafire.com/?mr0iy0sobz1