Dan Spitz's new website.

Arg_Hamster said:
Good to see he´s started swearing again! And pictures of half-naked women... but I´m not sure of their connection with Spitz... maybe they are someones mother...

yeah wtf's up with the naked woman?? Does the church approve of that sort of content on websites? And now theres his fetish for mothers? do the math on that one i guess!! :tickled:

cool website though, that screen thing that spins around...impressive!!..bet ya a pair of Belladonnas old spandex that its probably been ripped off from another site somewhere!

I still like the suggestion metal sludge gave for his website address, danthrax.com and he still didnt use it

hmm, www.wordtoyourmother.com? ice ice baby to go....
For some reason the address of his new site reminded me of that song :erk:

word to your mother Danny boy!!, or in this case all our mothers!!!
Wow, he's a tough little guy. Watch out. I bet he can't wait to put on his Tweety bird sweatshirt with the "flashdance cut" and his Jetson's shorts and hit the road with Anthrax again.
i am with you greg on that one.
that is THE most cheesiest site i have ever seen.

that site confirms to me that he is totally cuckoo. the men in white coats need to go and get him.
how he thinks he is so responsible for anthrax's success is laughable. 15 million albums sold- yeah right all cos of you spitz....

what is up with the women on his site? is he that desperate to draw attention to himself.

I have seen cheesier, but he does make it sound like it was all him making the band what it was back in the day. He was great but he shouldn't make it sound like he was the main man. On a side note, I almost forgot how cool that TMNT guitar was.
All i can say is........ What The Fuck???? That site was cheese!!!! Nice beard. is that a gang sign or peace??

All of a sudden Anthrax matters to Dan Spitz??? hmmmm.... sounds like these rumours are becoming truer. :cry: This is getting sad.
i checked out the site...any bonehead with a good grasp of photo shop, shockwave flash, and other web page writing tools could have done that.

But it is soo conveinent it just happens to appear close to this while tour thing...

once again i dunno. what's new ?
we all know this guy can shred,its just a pity he lost interest in guitar playing when he did,when he was at the top of his game he brought some magic to every song.