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It's interesting stuff and you have some talent. It's not usually what I listen, but I can see you're heavily influenced by Porcupine Tree and I see the Opeth influence in that guitar solo during Exile.

Good luck and keep up the work.
Because it's plain visible. And yeah, I do presume it sucks. Only positive opinions allowed?
Hmm, I actually listened to a bit. The acoustic guitars sound pretty nice, though I don't like the vocals.
Because it's plain visible. And yeah, I do presume it sucks. Only positive opinions allowed?

Negative opinions without merit are just slander.

Pretty decent Porcupine Tree worship imo. Dont really like the drum sound too much though, and your transitions need work. Finale reminded me of the way Steve Wilson usually builds intensity, same with People. Stick with longer tracks and work on your musicianship; its a bit simple overall and leaves something to be desired (tempo changes, transitions, creative riffs, etc all needs work).
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