Dark Aeon Productions - new extreme indie label


New Metal Member
Oct 25, 2006
Xathagorra Mlandroth (Hierophant, Catacombs, Origin of Darkness & others) is running his own label again (he used to many years ago) called Dark Aeon Productions, and there's some serious stuff coming out soon (yes, all "pro" and "legal"; no "diy" bull) and the site can be found at: http://dark-aeon.com.

I'm doing him a favor in helping promote the extreme stuff that he writes and is into and is sure to release. Those who know him even as much as I do will probably be excited to hear this news for various reasons.

btw... I've been lucky enough to hear a clip from the upcoming Origin of Darkness album (only like one of three people who've heard it) and it is, seriously, the HEAVIEST and darkest sh*t on the planet, and unique... there's no way to even really describe it... but for those into seriously low-tuned and relentless brutal dark stuff, keep an eye out!

Killer forums, btw... hails!