Dark Crystal - New Power Metal band!

Nov 6, 2002
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Hey my friends...

We are a new young irish band, releasing a demo around mid December. We are currently recording vocals. The style of our music is symphonic epic speed power heavy metal!!! or something!

If you're into bands like Iron Maiden, Rhapsody, Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Angra, Stratovarius, Freedom Call and you like melodic high vocals and big epic choruses, then please, download some short "teaser" clips from our new demo cd:


Website: www.dark-crystal.tk
Email: darkcrystal@eircom.net

CD release: TBA (mid december hopefully) with 6 songs

Hope you like the clips, and tell me what u think so far :)

Wow Crystal! This sounds great!
Talented musicians :)

The 1 minute clips are good, but very short..never get to hear the vocals..but the instruments sound very good :)
I think your demo will be interesting.
Will there be some demo songs available at mp3.com or something?

NP: Dark Crystal - Warrior of the Forestland clip
Thanks for the positive comments :)
Glad you enjoyed the clips!

"The 1 minute clips are good, but very short..never get to hear the vocals.."

No vocals yet hehehe.. just recording them next week! Then straight after they're done we release it on the awesome mp3.com!
Cheers Athallus :)

I'll post up full details on how you can get the demo when it's finished. We don't have the vocals done yet so it will take another few weeks (around 3).

Then you will be able to get it directly off the band or from mp3.com
Hmmm...first your website won't load and then it crashes my browser...not the best of first impressions ;)

Seriously, I'll have a look now and if I'm lucky i'll be able to download the clips. I'll give an opinion once I've heard 'em all, biggest thing on my mind is how we can get hold of the demo once it's out :)

EDIT: Aaagh! There's nothing on the website! :D
No worries dude! :D I've put the Yahoo badger in my History thing, sadly no time left to download tonight but I'll get 'em tomorrow!
Just listened to all the clips and have to say I think the full songs are gonna rock! Two minutes 23 seconds is too teasing right now! :lol: the keyboard sound is kinda cute, reminds me of those old-school RPGs. How are we gonna be able to get hold of the demo, man? Tell! Tell!
I'm afraid it will be a good few weeks until you can get the full thing on mp3.com, but before that we are considering releasing a full track when we have some finished, kida like what PQ did with "Far Away"!
Cheers :)

Yes Ayeka, we will surely be able to dish out CD-R's to those people (like mags for review, and like you!) who need it straight away! You can get that directly from the band when it is complete, and it will only be available to online friends we have made. Others will wait a little longer :D

A full download (like what Dragonforce and Power Quest had) will also be available for international distribution, but you'll want the CD because the sound is better than mp3!