Dark Empire, I think you guys would like their stuff.


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Yup, I just downloaded these guys' demo, not bad. Power metal a la symphony X with some trash riffs here and there. They also have Persuader's guy doing vocals (again?! this guy sings in every band now) and Lilitu's bass player. Here's the link to download their entire demo.


Just right click and save.
It's actually pretty cool.

I don't always like the vocals, but the way he varies them is pretty damn cool. Musically it's pretty nice too, some really great elements to it.

A Soul Divided is an ace song.

edit: after repeated listens, I think its ace. I'd definately buy a full length.
yup, I think their first full lenght will be released on april 24th or 26th. I've always liked this guy vocals performance but he sounds pretty different on this record, he definately doesn't sound the same as on Savage Circus.
AsModEe said:
yup, I think their first full lenght will be released on april 24th or 26th. I've always liked this guy vocals performance but he sounds pretty different on this record, he definately doesn't sound the same as on Savage Circus.

I dont think I am really familiar with any of his work, outside this. He does have some great vocal stylings on this tho, particuarly early on in "a soul divided".

I'll definately look into buying a full length because the music is pretty ace. I've listened to it a couple times through and just stuck it on my mp3 player. All round its ace. And I thank ye for linking :)
yeah, i read about this on the internet a while ago i think, i saw thier myspace page i think and i heard the tracks and they were really good and i wanted to hear more of it or get thier full length. really awesome stuff, thanks for the link, can't wait till they release an album. both songs are fucking great.
edit: oh yeah, i read about it on the symphony x board, the chops from hell topic the guy posted had his band in it.
Final_Product said:
I dont think I am really familiar with any of his work, outside this. He does have some great vocal stylings on this tho, particuarly early on in "a soul divided".

I'll definately look into buying a full length because the music is pretty ace. I've listened to it a couple times through and just stuck it on my mp3 player. All round its ace. And I thank ye for linking :)
Hmmm, you definately need to check out Persuader, they have that same singer, and the music is awesome. You probably heard of Savage Circus right? Blind Guardian's ex drummer's new band, with the same guy doing the vocals again. He sounds EXACTLY like Hansi Kursh on that band and well the music sounds like classic blind guardian.
AsModEe said:
Hmmm, you definately need to check out Persuader, they have that same singer, and the music is awesome. You probably heard of Savage Circus right? Blind Guardian's ex drummer's new band, with the same guy doing the vocals again. He sounds EXACTLY like Hansi Kursh on that band and well the music sounds like classic blind guardian.

Just checked out Persuader and Savage Guardian oops, I mean Circus. Both are good. but man, can Savage Circus sound anymore like BG.
fading said:
Just checked out Persuader and Savage Guardian oops, I mean Circus. Both are good. but man, can Savage Circus sound anymore like BG.
this was exactly their goal, to sound exactly like Blind Guardian in their older days. Do you really think it's a coincidence?