Dark Empire socks for you!

Wanna tell me that to my face, bitch????
*grabs bent rusty fork dipped in lemon juice*

Ain't nothin' girlie about 'em. At least there wasn't until Matt signed 'em, oooooooooh snap!!!

:lol: Sure, I wouldn't say anything here that I wouldn't say to anybody's face! Hell, I thought they were Meg's! :heh:
P.S. Roughen up the edges like you know I like em' :devil:
I thought this topic said "Dark Empire sucks for you!" and I was all set to read a great flame-war -- popping popcorn, heating up the butter -- and I get......SOCKS?!

I'm upping the bid to $10 immediately, I'm THAT disappointed. :)
Actually I decided that would just be plain mean. Besides, those socks look dirty and may indeed smell like ass or something.

Now, as for this half-finished bottle of 'Dimmu-water," aka a Deer Park bottled water, personally handed out to us waiting by the buses after the show by ICS Vortex himself and taken directly from their onboard bus fridge.....do I hear a penny? Bueller...?
Actually I decided that would just be plain mean. Besides, those socks look dirty and may indeed smell like ass or something.

Now, as for this half-finished bottle of 'Dimmu-water," aka a Deer Park bottled water, personally handed out to us waiting by the buses after the show by ICS Vortex himself and taken directly from their onboard bus fridge.....do I hear a penny? Bueller...?

:worship:Vortex touched it? Hmm... that's very tempting. Would be better if it was "Bork-water" :Smug: