Dark Kingdom; the Dragon King


Don't Fuck with Dinobot
Sep 8, 2004
Anyone ever see this? The sci-fi network is airing it to kick off their 'miniseries month' or whatever it is they do. It's awesome and with severe Norse overtones. If anyone is interested it's probably going to be repeated the rest of the night on sci-fi. I'd say it's worth a watch.

/edit: Yikes!! I messed up the title in the thread. It's supposed to be "Dark Kingdom; the Dragon King"
i don't know about it.
whats funny is Stargate which uses some norse names here and there. Like that small weird-ass alien dude called Thor lol.
After seeing it I did a little research. The original title was "Ring of the Nibelungs". It's based on a German story. I won't elaborate much on it since I'm sure someone of more immediate European descent can do better.
Anglorfin said:
After seeing it I did a little research. The original title was "Ring of the Nibelungs". It's based on a German story. I won't elaborate much on it since I'm sure someone of more immediate European descent can do better.

oh so its another adapted Siegfried story?
lol yeah as TheLastWthPaganBlood said on another thread, germanic stories seem to become a trend these days.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
MAybe we'll see Hegg on the front of The Vanity Fair next month. Or Vogue.

Maybe. But not even Johan is as hot as Kristanna Loken.
hhaaha indeed. i didnt find her exceptionally hot in Terminator 3, but in the Curse of the Ring she's fucking breathtaking.