Dark sounding cab for EVH 5150iii 50 watt


i've got cankers!!
Mar 8, 2011
east midlands,UK
I'm in the market for a 2x12" for my 5153 50w. I'm deliberating over the EVH cab or possibly a bogner to compensate for some of the brightness of the head. ANY thoughts /opinions MOST welcome. Guitar is an LP with Seymour custom distortion pup.
NEED to tame them highs.
I don't think the Mesa OS is a particulary bright sounding cab...goes well with the evh 5153 50w imo, as do all the other 5150s

ah nevermind, didn't read properly enough and missed the 2x12

As far as 2x12ths go I think the Harley Benton 2x12 is rediculous cheap for what it sounds like.
Also not really bright iirc
yeah, i have a 5150III + a orange 2x12, it is pretty dark. Had my ups and downs, but finally i made up my mind that I like the way how this combination sounds. The bass response could be teeeee bit tighter though

Have you got it on the floor on the wooden rails it comes with? If so raise it up on something that will decouple it. It should help it be tighter, I don't like the standard design of Orange cabs for the very reason that they're designed to couple with the floor but the actual cab construction is good IMO. Coupled with the floor it can sound ballsy and punchy in the room but then messy under a mic sometimes.

The Mesa 2x12 might be worth a look, I was really surprised to find how much darker and smoother it was under a mic than my Blackstar S1 4x12 OS. I've since sold the Blackstar cab and bought a Mesa 4x12 OS and couldn't believe how different they were even though on paper the specs are very similar. I can't remember who it was that did an A/B ages ago on the ROS reamps, maybe Trev? Anyway the differences in that thread were the exact same for me, really quite different sounding cabs.
Yeah the Blackstar and Mesa are pretty different, down to the Mesa V30's being voiced quite dark. I've also found the Mesa to be quite a bit darker than the Orange tbh.
Have you got it on the floor on the wooden rails it comes with? If so raise it up on something that will decouple it. It should help it be tighter, I don't like the standard design of Orange cabs for the very reason that they're designed to couple with the floor but the actual cab construction is good IMO. Coupled with the floor it can sound ballsy and punchy in the room but then messy under a mic sometimes.

Yeah, i have it off the floor. I'd prefer the mesa 2x12 too, I had a chance to test it out and I like it very much, but since they are crazy expensive over here i'll stick with the orange for now
Thanks for the input guys!! Has anyone compared the Mesa to the EVH??

Only 4x12s, I own one of each. They're massively different IMO. Have only A/B'd with a Mesa Roadster. The Mesa cab is dark and powerful the EVH is crunchier and more vintage sounding, as a generalisation. The speakers in the 2x12 EVH cab are not the same as in the 4x12 IIRC though.
Yeah, I've never thought anything with V30's is particularly dark-sounding, personally. Even though Mesa V30's are darker than other V30's, they're still quite a bit brighter than, say, Eminence Texas Heats.