Dark Suns - Grave Human Genuine


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Dark Suns - Grave Human Genuine
Prophecy Productions - 2008
By Laurence Bird


Grave Human Genuine is the third full-length release by Germany’s Dark Suns. The music is a blend of doom, dark and progressive metal, and in places seems more like a crash between the three. Everything sits well in the mix thanks to decent production, the only problem being that some moments don’t have enough bass. This makes the guitars seem tinny, and the sound sterile. There is a definite prog feel to proceedings, with a lot of experimentation, good examples being ambient passages and the use of a flute, among many other things.

My biggest criticism is that a lot of this does not work; the different styles seem forced, clashing together and seldom fitting. The sudden change from slow and ambient to break-neck blast beats and back in 6 seconds becomes annoying. As such the album suffers from poor song structure, and it seems that any idea which occurred in the studio was just thrown in for good measure with little thought given to cohesion. Nevertheless, the album is solid, and highlights include ’Thornchild’ and ’Free Of You’ which are more doomy than prog, the vocals are excellent, especially in the latter with their haunted feel and pent up emotion. Grave Human Genuine is definitely worth a look but with a little more care could have been so much more.
After about 10 listens this album grew on me. There are a good deal of excellent musical ideas. They seem to start something, but don't really finish. I really like the music, but the lyrics are fuckin' strange. Good review, by the way. I like the album, and I do get the feeling they could do better. Dark Suns, for me, is a band to keep an eye on.
There was this one day where one of their songs just pulled me in and held me there for a long time. I put the song on repeat and I listened to it over and over again for hours. These guys can write some great songs and they definitely have some major potential.

Here's hoping that they will live up to it.
After about 10 listens this album grew on me.

Yeah, there is no instant gratification with this album. It really does require several listens to develop any appreciation for what's on the album.

Personally, I really enjoyed this album. While the album contains some doom and prog elements, among others, I don't think fans of either genre would enjoy it. This really takes a fan of the avant-garde to appreciate the album as a whole. Even then, there is plenty to criticize...

Solid review.