Dark Tranquility in Bristol


I am going, as are the rest of my band...Phallicide. We're based in Bristol, playing Melodic Death in the vein of DT, In Flames, Dissection, ATG etc...and we find Bristol to be pretty decent. As long as you stay away from certain cliques in the music scene in general, it's great!! Check out the Eclipse bar, Asylum club night and local gigs to learn more. There's also a Darkane show there at the Station on Thursday 14th of November, which we are playing ;) , doorsat 7pm.

PS I actually live in Sheffield, so I'm not the best person to learn from, but being in a Bristol based band, I'm there a lot of the time, and I'm at a lot of the shows, so I can give you a decent overview.
Your playing that 6 band line up with The Enchanted in January in London aren't you?

I'm pretty sure i've not seen you before so it will be cool to see you play there.

That warriors of metal song is good stuff. I like the lead work :)