Dark Tranquility, The Haunted, Into Eternity, & Scar Symmetry in Chicago tonight!!

I won tix from CMF, but it looks like I will be stuck here late at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't say I give a rat's ass about the Haunted anymore, but I still have yet to see Dark Tranquillity live. Guess I will have to wait...
I won tix from CMF, but it looks like I will be stuck here late at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't say I give a rat's ass about the Haunted anymore, but I still have yet to see Dark Tranquillity live. Guess I will have to wait...
Got there after Scar Symmetry, Into Eternity was rather interesting in a good way, Dark Tranquillity was amazing, The Haunted was terrible and I left after about the 2nd or 3rd Haunted song, seemed rather short and like usual I think the opening band started before the apparent show start time :(
I saw this tour in Orlando, FL, St Petersburg, FL and Pittsburgh, PA
Here is the setlist(in order) from those 3 shows, I'm sure they played the same songs in the Windy City ...

Final Resistance
My Negation
The Wonders At Your Feet
Lost To Apathy
The Sun Fired Blanks
The Treason Wall
The Endless Feed
Focus Shift
Punish My Heaven
The Lesser Faith
Damage Done
The New Build
I think La Rocque's list was pretty accurate. If someone remembers something different from last night then feel free to post. I wasn't taking notes...too busy rawking out!

I got there wayyyyyy before doors opened. Ran into Rob on the way inside as he was trying to give me a Powerfest flyer! :kickass:

They did start earlier than advertised. 6:15 to be exact. I was glad I got to see the mighty Scar Symmetry, but their vocalist was not doing so hot and they only played four songs, poor guy. Into Eternity is fun to watch because I don't know of any other vocalist that switches from deep growls to high pitched squeals so quickly. It's quite manic actually but entertaining nonetheless. :lol:

Dark Tranquillity just kicked all sorts of ass of course...and having the perfect view from the VIP area in the balcony was just the icing on the cake. I don't think I've ever seen those guys put on a bad show.

The Haunted is well, The Haunted. I like their older tunes much better, but the goofy stage banter gets old. I didn't stay for their entire set. I decided to get some merch and head back outside.

It was an extremely late night for me. I'm running on five hours of sleep just trying to get through my work day. It's a small price to pay for an awesome show experience. For those that missed it, shame on you!
Hey Jason, I was only detailing my experience...and I didn't even put in all of the details! You wouldn't feel that way if you would have gone too. :p

I know it's tough to make it to some of these shows. It's early and can be a pain in the ass to get there. When I go, I usually take at least a couple of hours off of work. Yesterday I left work at noon.
I think La Rocque's list was pretty accurate. If someone remembers something different from last night then feel free to post. I wasn't taking notes...too busy rawking out!

I got there wayyyyyy before doors opened. Ran into Rob on the way inside as he was trying to give me a Powerfest flyer! :kickass:

They did start earlier than advertised. 6:15 to be exact. I was glad I got to see the mighty Scar Symmetry, but their vocalist was not doing so hot and they only played four songs, poor guy. Into Eternity is fun to watch because I don't know of any other vocalist that switches from deep growls to high pitched squeals so quickly. It's quite manic actually but entertaining nonetheless. :lol:

Dark Tranquillity just kicked all sorts of ass of course...and having the perfect view from the VIP area in the balcony was just the icing on the cake. I don't think I've ever seen those guys put on a bad show.

The Haunted is well, The Haunted. I like their older tunes much better, but the goofy stage banter gets old. I didn't stay for their entire set. I decided to get some merch and head back outside.

It was an extremely late night for me. I'm running on five hours of sleep just trying to get through my work day. It's a small price to pay for an awesome show experience. For those that missed it, shame on you!

:O i got one of those powerfest flyers, didn't think of the fact that it could have been someone from this board handing them out...maybe I saw you there too, who knows lol. All I know is Dark Tranquillity was incredible.
I was there for SS and DT mainly, also was at the Sauget show the night before. I had the EoS Crimson shirt on if anyone saw me. The Metro sound quality was fucking amazing compared to Sauget, and probably most other venues.
Yes, Metro is a great place indeed to see shows.
It's a shame that they don't host more metal shows.
(Though it seems like the Pearl Room is hosting the bands these days that might have booked a place like Metro).
Missed Scar Symmetry.

Surprisingly was the first time I'd seen Into Eternity. Their first song smoked, which then just made me feel let down for the next three. First time I'd heard actual harmony vocals (and pretty good ones too!) from a metal band in a long time.

DT was good, but I'd rank it last out of the three times I've seen 'em. Mostly because except for 'Punish My Heaven' (they skipped 'Hedon'), everything else was in their new bottom-heavy, play-to-a-click-track, pop-metal style. That stuff can be good for one album, but I don't really need four of them, and I don't need a whole set filled with those songs.

I was expecting to leave after a few songs from The Haunted, who I've hardly even heard (and the stuff I have heard never grabbed me). Well, it turns out they totally slayed. I guess I just must have been in the mood for unsanitized ass-kicking metal or something. And the only stage banter I recall was Dolving's story about the awe you feel when seeing your father's enormous penis, and that was simultaneously touching and hilarious (even though no one else in the place had the good sense to laugh!)

I was expecting to leave after a few songs from The Haunted, who I've hardly even heard (and the stuff I have heard never grabbed me). Well, it turns out they totally slayed. I guess I just must have been in the mood for unsanitized ass-kicking metal or something. And the only stage banter I recall was Dolving's story about the awe you feel when seeing your father's enormous penis, and that was simultaneously touching and hilarious (even though no one else in the place had the good sense to laugh!)


We are/were in the exact same boat regarding The Haunted & their set that night. And I laughed my ass off during that story...especially for being on both sides of that story myself. :lol: :lol: