Dark Tranquillity interview!

Good questions and a good interview. :)
I think it's mostly a matter of maintaining our own interest to continue as a band. If we were to follow a strict formula or to release the same sort of album time after time, we'd grow tired and call it quits. We constantly surprise ourselves as well.

What a wise man.
"The clean vocals and mellowness of songs like "Auctioned", "Day To End" and "Nether Novas" are way too mellow for me! They have to be the worst songs on this entire CD...yuck. "
"it's that the clean vocals on these songs aren't even good clean vocals. "
"la la la flavored crap"

Execute him (him=the reviewer EvilG) :Shedevil:
Originally posted by Siren
"The clean vocals and mellowness of songs like "Auctioned", "Day To End" and "Nether Novas" are way too mellow for me! They have to be the worst songs on this entire CD...yuck. "
"it's that the clean vocals on these songs aren't even good clean vocals. "
"la la la flavored crap"

Execute him (him=the reviewer EvilG) :Shedevil:

Well we can't do that :(
He's the site owner and maintainer! He puts an awful lot of work into that site!
Anyways, it's just a matter of opinion, I think Projector is pretty good and Haven is just excellent! Thus I will be re-reviewing them this month along with Damage Done :D
....I'm going to lose all credibility as a reviewer because DT is also my favorite band... but what the hell! :)

El Cid.
@Cid: Yeah, what the hell...
Ok, don't execute him, just don't let him write any more reviews :notworthy :notworthy ;)

And i don't think it will damage your credibility if you try to stay objective :) In need, just hide the fact DT is your fav band :p
Originally posted by Siren
@Cid: Yeah, what the hell...
Ok, don't execute him, just don't let him write any more reviews :notworthy :notworthy ;)

And i don't think it will damage your credibility if you try to stay objective :) In need, just hide the fact DT is your fav band :p

Well he wrties pretty great reviews, but he likes other style of metal better. The thing is when those reviews were written the staff at metal-rules.com was much smaller! Now that the site has grown quite a bit, the staff is larger and we can do many more reviews! :D

El Cid.