
Feb 27, 2004
SF Bay Area
The interview is with Mikael and is a very good read. He talks about the upcoming album quite a bit. The most interesting part I read was:

"Are there any clean vocals on the new record at all?

Mikael: No, it?s more screaming than ever. It was more like how we felt with DAMAGE DONE. There is no room for it really. We wanted it all to be just loud with tons of melodies and complex arrangements."

Read it here:
Will the band be doing a larger-scale tour of North America for the new CD?

We’re working on it and that’s definitely the plan. It depends when the album is coming out obviously, but it will definitely be a longer tour. We’re looking forward to it and we already discussed it this past weekend actually.

:Smokin: :rock: :kickass: :muahaha:
Kind of a shame, because Mikael's growl has gotten more steady rather than more aggressive towards what it was on The Gallery or The Mind's I...but his growl is still good, so it's not an issue if the music is still good. :)
Now I should probably read the interview and then write more...
Well it wasn't too bad.

They damn better tour Finland aside from Tuska too. :(