Dark Tranquillity Song Survivor - round 7 / part 2

Choose the song you don't like as much as the others

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Exposure is a great song, but it's not as important to me as the others. And it doesn't fit on Projector well I think.
The Treason Wall.
Okay, you guys can start flaming me. :)
Final_Vision said:
Silence, and the EMPTINESS Withdrew? :tickled:

Duh, did I really write that? :erk:

Well, for an excuse, I had a phone-call from my mom while I was doing the poll. She asked me, how my studies were going and when I was coming home for summer. I replied that I was just just doing a very important essay about mentally ill youngsters in Scandinavia and I would come home "pretty soon".

-Villain (who hates lying to his mom)
EEGGHH. How many of you who voted "Exposure" has actually _HEARD_ it? Because if you _HAD_ you _WOULDN'T_ have voted for it!!!11!1

I like Exposure. :cry: