Darkane - Demonic Art, The album of the year!

Jan 27, 2006
Fuck yes! :rock:
I've got the chance to hear the new album from Swedish thrash/death masters DARKANE! Release date in october and januari (USA)...
Demonic art is their best album in my opinion and also the best album this year (yep it's better than TFOD - I think)
If you like fast, angry & technical thrash filled with great solos and fabulous drumming I'm sure you'll enjoy this album! (Which I suppose you guys do since we are Testament fans:kickass:)
better than TFOD?:lol: LOL, that's a very brave statement on a Testament forum. I really like Darkane, seen them live and enjoyed it, but I can't imagine how they could have recorded anythig that would be even remotely close to the greatness of TFOD. You're Swedish, so musical patriotism can explain your admiration.:grin:
I'll gladly take a listen, thanks for the info
Sounds pretty fuckin good! One question how much keyboard is on this album?I love Swedish thrash my only complaint is that a lot of them ( of what I've heard) use a lot of keyboard.I fucking hate keyboards especially in thrash.As an intro or outro it's not that bad but when it is throughout I can't stand it.I will never get why a keyboard is needed when you have 2 awesome guitar players.To me it's like a Lion wearing a skirt. It just takes away from the evilness.Anyway It's sounds pretty badass! ( I'll leave the Testament comment alone)
The album is sick!
Of course it depends on what "kind" of Testament fan you are, but if you like the Legacy thrash/speed and the Gathering sound you will probably like this (I'm not saying Demonic art is as good as these two masterpieces though!) Don't worry to much about the keyboard thing Redfly (i also hate that especially in metal!), I could also add that I wasn't a huge Darkane fan before, although I really like Layers of lies...
Well it I liked what I heard so far and seeing how we are on the same page with keyboards, and the Legacy with Gathering sound.I was wondering what would you consider to be their best albums.I am always looking for Thrash to listen to.Oh yeah being in Sweden what have you heard from the new The Haunted album " Versus"? If you like them. I have been trying to find a US store offering the limited edition but so far nothing.Do you know any site's that are reputable?
Redfly: The best Testament albums in my opinion is (FSSD!) Legacy, New Order. But I listen to all albums except for Demonic.
I'm not a big fan of the Hunted for some reason, I like a few songs...check out www.cdon.com, they are really good... don't know if they ship to US too.

It's impossible to compare Darkane (new school death/thrash) with Testament, and of course many of you will like TFOD way more - which is a great album (although I think it lacks in uptempo thrash songs).
Here's a link for the title track demonic art: I think this song represents the album quite well.
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Great Thanks for both! I feel the same way about the tempo on TFOD except for a few songs.I liked the Haunted a lot more with Marco on vocals then Dolving.They were much Thrashier and the music was much more technical.But I'm still into them.Except the first album that was pretty much straight up Thrash.Although I like them all I think my favorite Testament albums are ( in no order) The new order,Souls,Low,Demonic, The Gathering and First strike.Thanks for all the info I'm going to check this stuff out.
Today Demonic art is released in the US...:rock:

I've just got my imported american Demonic Art version...
One extra bonus track "Reborn in Greed" wich is top three on the album...also a bonus DVD....:kickass:
Get out and support one of the best bands out there... once again: Demonic art is the best album of 2008, and most likely 2009 too :lol: it will be difficult to top this...

Thrash on guys!
That is unusual that the US release is the one with extra stuff on it.It is usually the other way around.
I liked what I heard until it came to the background vocals,I didn't like them at all.They seem very pop like and wimpy to me.
But I did not hear the whole album.
I liked what I heard until it came to the background vocals,I didn't like them at all.They seem very pop like and wimpy to me.
But I did not hear the whole album.

hmmm. alright...there aren't that much backing vocals...do you mean the chorus?

After watching the dvd it seems like lots of stuff that I though was background "synth-layers" acctually was real instruments violins and horn, much respect to that!:rock:
I haven't heard the full album, just two songs. Sounded pretty brutal. Redfly this isn't In Flames or Soilwork, you're not gonna hear much if any keyboards.
Sounds good, I like the new singer. Though I always will prefer Carnal Forge to Darkane, they´re just straight forward and got the better riffs. imo.
Haunted was great Swedish Thrash too, but they´ve declined a lot since their incredible debut. Can´t listen to any of the new albums.
Yeah like I said it was all good until I heard that kind of sweet sounding chorus like newer Megadeth or All That Remains and stuff like that.I'm not saying it all sounds like that, I haven't heard it.But it is not something I can jam out too.I will give it another listen in case I have misjudged it,but I don't think so.