Darkane- Innocence Gone

These guys are really amazing Live. They blew me away, and I had no idea who they were at first. Then I bought a CD of theirs, and wow. Good shit.
cool band, love their monster soound...
i have seen their clips included...in their cd's they capture some interesting points about the way we live....on this planet.

one of my favorite songs by Darkane

EDIT: though I must say, the singer's performance in the video is rather...well...lacking. everything else is pretty awesome
Christofer Malmstrom is one of the nicest guys around. Amazing guitarist.

Darkane is amazing. Their current lead singer has really improved on vocals, their latest release Layers of Lies was excellent. Anyone who is a fan of Nevermore would likely find interest in Darkane.

Have any of you listened to Non-Human Level? It is Christofer's solo album, it's AMAZING!
yeah Malmstrom is awesome...he's just a cool guy emailed me a picture of his ENGL savage with the settings dialed in for their last album. He's quite personable.
unknown said:
one of my favorite songs by Darkane

EDIT: though I must say, the singer's performance in the video is rather...well...lacking. everything else is pretty awesome

Yeah, that's what I thought at first but i googled the lyrics and it's about incestuous rape. The fact that he is still, witout moving his hands and just letting the lyrics speak for themselves is amazing to me, had he tried to "perform" this song it would have seem so contrived and cliched.

Plus the fact that he is immobile may have been a way to express the victims helplessness and paralized emotional state?

I really liked that he didn't move the whole time, it was very thought provoking.
savabich2 said:
Yeah, that's what I thought at first but i googled the lyrics and it's about incestuous rape. The fact that he is still, witout moving his hands and just letting the lyrics speak for themselves is amazing to me, had he tried to "perform" this song it would have seem so contrived and cliched.

Plus the fact that he is immobile may have been a way to express the victims helplessness and paralized emotional state?

I really liked that he didn't move the whole time, it was very thought provoking.

if that's the case then why was the band involved in the video at all?
Well, I think most people want to see a band perform in their videos unless it's Tool who utilize such coheasive and weird artsy images where the band would distract from the overal visual theme.

I think this video is awesome for a lot of reasons but primarily having the band thrashing and headbanging while the singer is rigid and statue-like really has an emotional impact on me and makes the lyrics that much more powerful.
Darkane's first album is their best, they had a more insane vocalist, and it seems they have got more and more commercial, like In Flames, with each release. Layers of Lies doens't really impress me much as I'd like it to, but they are insane live nonetheless.

But Innocence Gone, that riff for the breakdown/outro is nothing short of killer :kickass:
I don't hear the commercial stuff you speak of on any of their albums.

They have sounded different on every album and obviously have had no commercial success..
craptastic said:
I don't hear the commercial stuff you speak of on any of their albums.

They have sounded different on every album and obviously have had no commercial success..
Ok then, I just think they are mostly slower, calmer and less unhinged, and perhaps a little boring compared to how they used to be on 'Rusted Angel' or 'Insanity'.