Darkane - The Sinister Supremacy

Late bump on this one. Just picked this up yesterday and this is the mix these guys have deserved for years. Loving every aspect of the album. Drums sound huge indeed, if a little bit on the raw side. But the playing is captured appropriately. Wildoer has to be one of my favorite drummers recently. And I'm surprised no one mentioned the vocal performance from Mackrory. Unreal. A little reminiscent of Anders Friden, but with more coming from the gut. The highlight track for me is probably "In the Absence of Pain".
Late bump on this one. Just picked this up yesterday and this is the mix these guys have deserved for years. Loving every aspect of the album. Drums sound huge indeed, if a little bit on the raw side. But the playing is captured appropriately. Wildoer has to be one of my favorite drummers recently. And I'm surprised no one mentioned the vocal performance from Mackrory. Unreal. A little reminiscent of Anders Friden, but with more coming from the gut. The highlight track for me is probably "In the Absence of Pain".

Yes definitely one of the better productions they've had. I've been listening to this pretty much constantly all week. Wildoer is incredible, never ceases to amaze me.