Darkness .... good old German thrash


Oct 14, 2003
Just a heads-up for any Darkness fans here on the board... Battle Cry Records has reissued the first 3 albums with bonus tracks. I picked them up the other day and have been kranking them since. I never heard them back in the day but I remembered the album covers from my youth.

The web site is http://www.battlecryrecords.de/ ...... They have also reissued some Stormwitch albums.
Nice. And it seems that there are more to come :

A few weeks ago, I bought the rights for the whole GAMA Records catalog, yes, the old German Metal label of the 80ties. Since it is too much for me to release all the albums on my own, I decided to split them with two friends of mine. So Stefan Riermaier from Karthago Records and Eddy Freiberger from Hardbeat Media Service will also release parts of the GAMA catalog. By the end of November I will put out the first releases of that 80ties Metal cult label starting with three albums, fans were waiting for years to get finally released on CD with original cover artwork, lyrics, liner notes, photos...