Darkness Shall Bring death...

Covet Chaos

Jul 23, 2007
Ive just got that record through the post. I must say.These songs are better than stuff on the album. the song Darkness Shall Bring Death is amazing and Matt does this sorta high note and its just great.

Sacrificial starting now.... Bam straight away, a killer riff. These are my favourite Evile songs by far!
If Ol would allow me too. Otherwise itd be waiting until you can get the disc. The ones i have are ripped from my vinyl player so its not the best quality, mono sound. If Ol says its alright then ill do it, otherwise id feel a right scummy bastard. But i must let you know that Darkness Shall Bring Death is the best song. I have Podgie to thank for the record because he bought it for me haha, cheers pal.
Aye yeah, you may aswel just wait and pick up a copy of the ETG re-release, or keep an eye out on eBay.. There's still a few 7" 's kicking about.
When you say "not that keen on". Is it good enough to play like. Vocal wise it reminds me of All Hallows Eve which is brilliant because its a very varied CD and most songs clock in at 6 minutes haha.
'We Who Are About to Die' has gotta be my top Evile track to date.. I loved the Hell version when I got my hands on that CD, and I loved it on the album too.. It'll remain my fav, until I hear new shit probably!

Although you guys might completely suck after the next album Matt, so I won't hold my breathe? hehe
"not that keen on" means that we will most likely go through them songs and pick out the awesome bits we like that we felt worked, and work them into new tracks.....

them songs will never be played live.

and you never know, the new stuff might be TOSS, we might start dressing all in white and singing songs about wheat festivals.
They were contenders to be on ETG, but they weren't good enough. That's why we thought we could at least have 'em as bonus tracks. I think people like them because they've heard the same 10 tracks for the past year and it's something fresh.

Back to writing!