DARKTHRONE finished new album


Anastasia's Minion
Feb 12, 2002
Norwegian black metal legend Darkthrone finished new opus "Hate Them". The band spent a total of 26 hours recording and mixing. The album is scheduled for a February 2003 release through Moonfog Productions.

Guitarist/vocalist Nocturno Culto said about "Hate Them": "Spontaneous black metal with spirit. Well, that's my thought about it. The overall sound became very dirty (a good thing), and the bass guitar was a joy to play, since it became so low and dark. The guitars are tuned in D, so things are dark enough. There were some persons involved with the setup and tuning of all the instruments, many thanks to them. This time we used Lars Klokkerhaug as an engineer, and he was very easy and smooth to work with, and has lots of experience. He did a good job, and he will also be there during the mastering later on (soon I think)."