Darkthrone - The Cult is Alive


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Darkthrone – The Cult is Alive
Peaceville Records – CDVILEF132 – February 27th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


I sincerely hope people don’t claim this rules just because it’s Darkthrone. Of course the pillars of the black metal community are respected for their past contributions, but that still doesn’t exempt them from criticism, nor should it. Whereas Sardonic Wrath was a step up from Hate Them, in my opinion, The Cult is Alive finds its spot below said albums due to various shortcomings. While I’ve been a fan of these Norwegians for many years, I think their most recent outing is too punk oriented, which doesn’t necessarily serve as their downfall if the current songs could stand up to – or at least match – previous ones. Honestly, there is some meat to chew on, but I never got my fill from this particular record.

I recall thinking that Darkthrone were headed in the right direction after 2004’s Sardonic Wrath, though this finds the duo embracing punk more warmly than ever before. The jumpiness and choppiness are still out in full force, however, and endangered they are not. I believe most of The Cult is Alive isn’t bad; it’s simply uninteresting and pedestrian. Since there are a few quality riffs circling about, “The Cult of Goliath” isn’t a total washout, but it’s definitely not a hook-line-and-sinker opening number. Perhaps “Too Old, Too Cold” would’ve been a better opener, as it has the flair that Culto and Fenriz usually relay, in spite of the petty laughable lyrics. I dig the blackened punk of “Graveyard Slut”; nevertheless, Fenriz’s vocals are well below subpar, and sound further out of place when one remembers Culto’s excellent retching. The other milestone – besides “Too Old, Too Cold” – is “Underdogs and Overlords” with its confident guitar passages, complementary drums, and kickass pace. Yeah, it slices and dices as much as anything they’ve composed. Again, though they aren’t poor excuses for songs, “Whisky Funeral,” “De Underjordiske (Elia Capitolina),” and “Tyster På Gud” are mostly throwaway numbers that skimp likeable characteristics. Concerning the latter, it sounds as if Darkthrone were bored when they recorded it, even during the leads, but “Shut Up” reclaims some ground by sprinkling itself with attitude, aggression, and an ominous dark aura. Rarely do Culto and Fenriz mask their true feelings, and “Shut Up” is proof of that. The closer, “Forebyggende Krig,” is slower than its contemporaries, although the plodding tempo works in their favor until Fenriz spoils a portion of the track with his background vocals.

Focusing more on punk and roll – apparently jettisoning their regular doses of inspiration – Darkthrone disappointed me on this go-around because I think most of it is in need of verve. Though I hate to admit it, sometimes it seems like they were lazy in their efforts, and despite the lack of motivation, they decided to record stuff anyway. There are a couple of stellar tracks on this disc, namely “Too Old, Too Cold” and “Underdogs and Overlords,” but not enough to hoist this too far above the average mark. I guess the phrase “mixed bag” will have to do.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Darkthrone Website
Official Peaceville Records Website
No band can capture the darkness like Darkthrone, kick ass band I enjoy this bands dark music and Fenrizes kick ass drumming. Don't expect greatness from them, they aren't in to satisfying their fans or playing live.
This album is best release from them in a Decade!!
In darkthrone scale this is 10/10
I agree with circus brimstone, I downloaded one of their songs of limewire, and its not as good as their other songs. I prefer 'Under a funeral moon' album, that one good album:notworthy :rock:
sure this isn't the darkthrone i've grown to love, but after a few spins it grew on me and i feel it's actually pretty decent. Of course shut up is the worst song they've ever made