Dave Vincent back in Morbid Angel


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
I know its old news, but nobodys posted yet. Anyway, what do yous reckon?
I own one Morbid Angel record and I absolutely hate it, Gateways of Annihilation or sth. Is this unforgiveable in metal land?

I once promised myself I'd listen to it full length, was absolute torture.
I've never even listened to Deicide to see if I'd like them. Opeth bores me to an extreme. Well, Damnation and MAYH was ok for a few listens. The band I most regret checking out after hearing people rave about them, taught me a valuable lesson, guess I should be thankful.
I happen to be at a Morbid Angel gig by accident in Holland a few weeks ago.

The only positive thing is that it gave me a good opportunity to get out and visit the city while they were playing :lol:
The newer records arent that impressive. Altars of madness and blessed are the sick are classics though.

Oh, and David Vincent isnt back in Morbid Angel on a permanent basis, hes just helping them out for a couple of concerts.