David Fincher's Facebook movie

I don't. I've already said I'd go back in time and become your biological grandfather due to the female line in your family being hot. You're the one that hates!

Edit: Oho, so you actually APPROVE then.

Edit Edit: Seriously, think she took LSD or some shit.
You really wanna keep this going?
I do believe your repeated use of the word 'dirty' represents your inner self's subconscious desire for soap. Or excess food. Or maybe you hate your father.
Who the hell are these losers?

Trent Reznor makes music for 16 year old girls that go to lame underage clubs and suck dick because they have no education. Fuck him, fuck Nine Inch Nails. The only thing that pussy has ever been good for is inspiring Johny Cash to cover (and correct) a shitty song of his.