Dawn of Correction - Philadelphia Thrash Metal - New Album!!


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2008

Dawn of Correction was not formed to succumb to the pitfalls that face every generation of music: Over saturation, the removal of original ideas in hopes of finding a shortcut to stardom or to be labeled a certain style of music because that’s what is in fashion. Dawn of Corrections style of music consists of hardcore rebellion that’s in your face, loud aggressive rock and roll with a foundation of old metal roots. Their following grew by just opening their rehearsal space for people to listen and they gauged their songs by what made foots tap or heads bang. They won’t be labeled in one style of music that’s why some of their songs will rip your face off and the others will make you think of days gone by. What happens when everything starts to sound the same? You look for something new or you pull out your old favorites. What happens when everything starts to sound the same? Dawn of Correction happens!!
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