
I am crying here. Its so hard. I just dont fit in. I want everyone to like me! If i paint my face, and become a die hard fanatic supporter of some band will they love me? Oh I am going to go find a rope.
speed said:
See Erik, apparently you are right on this one. I dont believe I have had more than one or two arguments with this doom guy and he already hates me. Well its been a pleasure Doom.
Hate is a bit strong. I just find most of your posts annoying, and your attempts at humour very weak.

EDIT: the above post being a good example, thanks.
Yes a sense of humor is hard to come by when your name is Doom. So you dont like my humor? Its harder then it looks, you should try a little humor sometime, well see how you do.
Doom said:
Hate is a bit strong. I just find most of your posts annoying, and your attempts at humour very weak.

EDIT: the above post being a good example, thanks.
Exactly. speed is like Misanthrope and countless other worthless posters; most of the serious posts are pretty devoid of meaning and not particularly intelligent, but it's the pathetically weak attempts at humour that tip the scale from unremarkable to annoying. speed also has no fucking understanding of what heavy metal is supposed to be about, and on a heavy metal discussion forum that is a major problem.
J. said:
most of the UMers I hate are on the GMD, like that VVVVVVVV fuckhead
Keep in mind that the bloke is 16 years old. The "I like to think I know what I'm talking about" mindframe is something I'm guilty of too sometimes.
You see, I attempt to be nice, but you just cant accept it. i self-deprecate, sayI haveno problem with you. Once again, you just have to take everything so goddamn seriously. Now i am unintelligent, and dont get metal because I dont act like you, or agree with you. So I am a bit different, and not beholden to some "metal" persona one must have to be a "troo metal fan". Jesus your attempts to be intelligent are pretty childish.
speed said:
You see, I attempt to be nice, but you just cant accept it. i self-deprecate, sayI haveno problem with you. Once again, you just have to take everything so goddamn seriously. Now i am unintelligent, and dont get metal because I dont act like you, or agree with you. So I am a bit different, and not beholden to some "metal" persona one must have to be a "troo metal fan". Jesus your attempts to be intelligent are pretty childish.
Thanks for continually proving my point with worthless posts such as your last three in this thread :)

Also, I stick to my principles (awful thing, that) far too much to set aside my differences with someone just because he says please.
WHat point have you proven other than you are a "metal" fan who never has the guts to look in the mirror and analyize your beliefs and ideals, nor admit you are wrong, or even offer a bit of forgiveness? Case in point, you make a simplistic argument that you are right, and I am wrong. I guess thats the way the world works these days. Blind faith and ignorance. Now I am pissed at you. I tried, I accept who you are, but you wont accept anything but yourself. A shame.
speed said:
WHat point have you proven other than you are a "metal" fan who never has the guts to look in the mirror and analyize your beliefs and ideals, nor admit you are wrong, or even offer a bit of forgiveness? Case in point, you make a simplistic argument that you are right, and I am wrong. I guess thats the way the world works these days. Blind faith and ignorance. Now I am pissed at you. I tried, I accept who you are, but you wont accept anything but yourself. A shame.
Thanks for continually proving my point with worthless posts such as your last four in this thread :)

For the record, you're the ONLY person on the Royal Carnage forum I have a problem with. (neal is decent nowadays) So much for "wont [sic] accept anything but yourself" eh?