DC Cooper

The most recent Silent Force album is the balls!

If you did not like the first two, you should still give the third on a chance. DC has raised the bar much higher on this one and they have gotten away from that Priest sound that so many accuse them of having.

Also, DC rocks the first Exlorers club album as well.
Absolutely one of my favorite vocalists. I have just about everything he's been on. Been a fanboy for years.

I was going to the preparty already, but he's a big draw for me.

Surprised that no one has mentioned this: DC did a killer job on Shadow Gallery's Tyranny, even though it was only one tune.

Can't wait to get there!
He also did a killer job and i mean it is the highlight of the whole album is the duet he did with Sabine Edelsbacker of Edenbridge on Edenbridge's Aphelion CD. It is amazing.
I think y'all know I have huge respect for the man. Working with him was a dream come true, and not only is he incredible at what he does... he's incredible at bringing out the best in others as well.

He *may* do another solo album... but that's all I can say.
I really like the Silent Force stuff, maybe cause it's just so ballsy and heavy, but he's kinda hit/miss with me on everything else. Some I like, some I don't.
dargormudshark said:
what do you think would be some cool covers for him to play...I think Take Hold of the Flame(queensryche) and Play the Game tonight(Kansas) would be at the top of my list.

You know Dargor, I had never looked at any of your post with any amount of seriousness ever since you said that Fates Warning's PSOG sucked on the Symphony X forum. I just don't understand that.

Having said that, first you pull Rainbow out of your hat tonight and then you pull Kansas out of your hat :rock: . Your 2 for 2 tonight as far as I am concerned.

Oh, and to the point about covers, DC can cover mary had a little lamb and make it rock.
FatesFan said:
You know Dargor, I had never looked at any of your post with any amount of seriousness ever since you said that Fates Warning's PSOG sucked on the Symphony X forum. I just don't understand that.

Having said that, first you pull Rainbow out of your hat tonight and then you pull Kansas out of your hat :rock: . Your 2 for 2 tonight as far as I am concerned.

Oh, and to the point about covers, DC can cover mary had a little lamb and make it rock.

:tickled: Rainbow is my favorite band, and kansas is in the top 10 pretty much. I love FW, but APSOG just didn't do anything for me, now Paralells is one of the greatest albums ever!
dargormudshark said:
:tickled: Rainbow is my favorite band, and kansas is in the top 10 pretty much. I love FW, but APSOG just didn't do anything for me, now Paralells is one of the greatest albums ever!

Rainbow :rock:
Kansas :rock:
Fates Warning Paralells :rock:

I just do not get you not liking APSOG. :hypno:

Oh well, 3 out of 4 is good. :Spin:
His solo cd is the best thing he ever has done thus far. I got into him with Royal Hunt Paradox and that is still my favorite RH cd. It will be cool to see him again.

I have known DC for a long time.
I actually was given the oppurtunity to work for his band in Pittsburgh and did so for a lil while.
I always knew he was leaps and bound past the rest of the locals in that area...So I was not suprised to hear him move to Europe and TOTALLY kick A$$ over there.

Great guy. Glad I was able to work with him. I wish I just had my crap together back then...him probably would have taken me under his wing as an inspiring vocalist....live and learn.

80's AL