DD on the air!


Active Member
Dec 6, 2001
The purpose of this thread is to report the times that we see DD getting air time, be it on tv in the form of Monochromatic Stains' video or on the radio.

I saw the mono video on tv last tuesday (early morning hours), on the Metal Hammer's show in Greece.
The only bad thing about it was that i saw it with no sound since the local channel transmitting the show, obviously fucked smt up :(
But i'm glad i saw it, it was awesome :)

So post when you see it too, so that we see how often they play it and how much they like it ;)

Siren ( :headbang: )

PS: if anyone feels like merging this thread with any others, then do it, i couldn't bother burning my last brain cells thinking about this :p

PS2: @Narcoloth (in case you ever see this :p): Mhpws 8a eprepe na steileis to video kai ston Panagiwtopoulo ths ET3? Etsi an to zhthsw na to balei de 8a mporei na pei oti den to xei :p
Originally posted by Aglarion

You're lucky. We don't have any tv or radio channels here in Germany that would play it. :(
I'm sorry :(

Well, here it's not very great either. In the capital they do get to see the show, but where i live we're in the mercy of the channel that does the transmission, which means we often miss it because they prefer to show advertisements that are more profitable, or we watch it with problems that noone cares to fix, like the one i mentioned. But i guess it's better than not seeing it at all...
Hi all

Just a quick message from Santorini, where I am spending my holidays.

I was also informed of the screening of Mono stains on the greem metal hammer's show. It was screened on Monday after midnight for the first time. I was also informed that it was screened again wednesday night, in the same show. Wednesdays show was the last one of the season and they played the best videos of the year. I was flattered to hear that the presenter voted mono stains and a video from Sentenced as the 2 best videos of the year, which he referred to as "works of art".

so, those of you who have seen the ful video by now, feel free to post your views

Originally posted by Narcoloth
so, those of you who have seen the ful video by now, feel free to post your views

My computer is too slow (audio and video are not in the same pace) for me to say anything objective, but a friend of mine told me he laughed his ass off when he saw the video for the first time - I guess you can take that as positive feedback. :rolleyes:

well, definitely any reasonable person would laugh their asses off seeing the other work of art, ie the sentenced video - i have not seen it, but i never tire to say that the video for "nepenthe" is the single most ridiculous music clip i have *ever* seen.

@Villain: Try to copy it to your disc first if you have enough space, then you should be able to watch it in the normal speed :)
Originally posted by Siren
@Villain: Try to copy it to your disc first if you have enough space, then you should be able to watch it in the normal speed :)

Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, it seems my free disk space is quite scarce at the moment - I'll see what I can do to it later.

About the main topic, I'll try and remember to listen to the Finnish metal radio-show "Metalliliitto" this week and if good old Klaus Flaming plays DD there, I'll report here.

And to Hyena: Apparently, Finnish tongue-in-cheek way of doing music-videos is not your cup of tee. Regardless, I find "Nepenthe" far better and far less ridiculous than all the music videos I have seen on MTV for the past five or so years - especially those made by the so-called rap-"artists".

Originally posted by Aglarion

You're lucky. We don't have any tv or radio channels here in Germany that would play it. :(

We have the Stahlwerk though,but it's become very boring the last time,they're only playing this nu-metal crap for the most time of the show. But on the last show on Sunday(8 p.m.) they played a song from DD and sometimes they have quite cool specials or interviews,f. ex. with Peter Tätgren.
Originally posted by Villain

not your cup of tee.

@all the finns: would you please stop writing weird stuff? :lol:

yeah, i admit that i might not have understood the humor in the video for "nepenthe", but the part where the singer stares angrily at his glass of wine as if smashing it would possibly destroy the world and its evils is just too much for me. and i must recognize that "Metalliliitto" yields the same effect :lol:

hyena (ok i will stop being silly now)
Originally posted by falling bird

We have the Stahlwerk though,but it's become very boring the last time,they're only playing this nu-metal crap for the most time of the show. But on the last show on Sunday(8 p.m.) they played a song from DD and sometimes they have quite cool specials or interviews,f. ex. with Peter Tätgren.

That's a local channel, isn't it?
I'm from Erfurt/Thuringia so I don't think I can receive it. It would be great if they could do something like 'Metalla' on VIVA+ But I don't think that will happen. That show was great, there I heard the first time about bands like Emperor, Satyricon, Carcass, ...
Do you have these so called "open channels" in Erfurt?
For example,we here have the "offener Kanal" where everyone can do a show with the content he/she likes.
I've seen a few metal shows there,but that's a long time ago.
Yes we have something like that(radio not tv) but there's no metal show as far as I know. I don't care about radio anyway but I would really like to see metal videoclips in tv quality and not only these bad quality clips which you can download from the internet.
Grrr..... You all are complaining that you don't have places that play mono..... yet you do have shows that play at least some kind of metal...no?

Better than I have.....

Friggin pop-infested culture...

~Kovenant (When it ain't so fun to be American...)
There is no chance in hell to get DT's tv airtime. It will however get airtime on the radio on 1 or 2 weeks top in the local metal show ( one of the perks of living on a 5million+ people city, no matter how close minded the country is when it gets this big it the metalheads become noticeable no matter how hard anyone tries to hide them, we are there!!!:mad: :p
Originally posted by hyena

@all the finns: would you please stop writing weird stuff? :lol:

No way - Go boil your bottom, daughter of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so called hyena-being, you and all your silly Italian knniggets. :p

@Villain.... if you're finnish, then what are you doing in the middle of the italian countryside? :p

@Misanthrope.... I live 10 miles outside of NYC....does DT get airplay? :(.......

~Kovenant (so much for metalheads getting noticed....)