mono stains-best video of the year!


Hypnagogic Harvester
Jun 4, 2002
Hi guys,

I just wanted to share my excitement with you. The video for monochromatic stains was aired on the greek metal hammer's tv show as you may know by now.

What you may don't know is that it was shown again in the last show of the season, which only played the best videos of the year.

It was voted as the best video of the year (along with one from Sentenced) and it was described as a "work of art". really flattering I must say!

Those of you who have something to comment on, or ask on the video, this is the thread to do it,

take care

I don't like the new video. First: It's boring! Second:It doesn't go with the sound, or adjust to the beat! Third: The album still rocks, of course - but they should've done a different video, eventhough there's almost no sense in doing metal videos, because they're not aired on many music video stations :mad:
Originally posted by Blackstar66
I don't like the new video. First: It's boring! Second:It doesn't go with the sound, or adjust to the beat! Third: The album still rocks, of course - but they should've done a different video...

Totally agree. What`s the point with this video, anyway, it doesn`t match the song at all. Very annoying!
My views about the Monochromatic Stains -video:

The best thing in the video is its uniqueness and originality - I have never seen a music video even closely resembling it! The confusion and steadily rising desperation evident in the song are also very strongly present in the video. It has also some very strong imagery - I especially like the scene in the end, where the knife is taken and the following silhuette is shown with the knife in hand.

However, I must agree with the ones who complain about the rhythm of the video not going along that of the music - it hurts the overall viewing-experience too much for me. Perhaps I'm not used to watch more "artistic" music-videos, but the fact that the audio and the video don't seem to have any connection (except in a few parts) nearly ruins the whole video for me.

Anyway, despite that one flaw, it's still a very good video. I'd say 8 out of 10 points - about the same I give for the song itself (it's good, but not even nearly as good as the best ones on the album, IMHO).

I sadly cannot agree. It is not the best video of the year, not on the hellish quicktime format *spits*. Quicktime is vile, it's worse than realtime. Pretty much any video on another format is better than Monochromatic Stains on quicktime.

nice to get mixed reviews. Making the video I was pretty sure that this was going to be a love it or hate it video, as this is always the case with something new.

I am not going to get into the quicktime issue again :P

As for the audio/video synchronization, I can't really see the problem myself, especially if u take into account the lyrical part of the song and what is depicted. but this is my personal opinion

keep up the comments as i find it really interesting to get feedback!