De Profundis - Beyond Redemption

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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De Profundis - Beyond Redemption
Self Released - June 2007
By Paddy Walsh


Kicking things off in a manner not unlike My Dying Bride circa The Light at the End of the World, London-based doom five-piece De Profundis quickly make their main influences known - voclist Craig Land's effective, throaty croak bears an uncanny resemblance to Aaron Stainthorpe's pipes - but their debut runs through a wide spectrum of reference, from doom and black metal to hints of jazz and even some nifty slap bass. Thus Beyond Redemption is by no means a by-the-numbers affair. The use of copious lead guitars and the extensive sections of slothful despondancy keep things engaging throughout, and De Profundis rarely labour on a single idea for an eternity (see the first track from The Revered Bizarre's So Long Suckers for an example of that!).

Opener 'In Contemplation of Existence' showcases the band's best traits - crushing, dirge-like riffs amidst winding guitar leads, occasional forays into melodic territory and the odd spurt of black metal with requisite blast-beats. Occasionally, however, De Profundis try to be too clever for their own good, and on 'Nihilism Vortex' the sudden curveball thrown our way in the form of a sped-up black metal moment is hampered by both its clumsy placement amidst the pervasive doom and Craig's rather ham-fisted attempt to emulate a Burzum-esque shriek. Niggles aside, closer 'Into Eternity' rounds off proceedings nicely, an eerie and melodic track that conludes Beyond Redemption in a fittingly discomforting fashion. With Beyond Redemption under their belt, De Profundis are unlikely to remain unsigned for long, and their subsequent recordings should certainly be watched closely.

Official De Profundis Website

Official De Profundis MySpace