Dead Soul Tribe CD case


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002
of course we all know how damn good this album is...

but i finally got the actual cd, and i must say the case it comes in is pretty awesome

its a fuckin' BOOK. crazy. way better than any other cd cases i have, all cds should come like this.

the downside is since what would be in the booklet is just pages in the book, it cant be removed and taken elsewhere to browse through.. but i never move my booklets away from my cd cases anyway.

and of course the artwork by Trav is incredible as always.

just thought I'd share .. :p
I like the booklet of Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines. For those of you that don't own it, one side is the lyrics, and the other side is the myths behind them.
yeah I really like that Woverine CD seems more durable and less of a pain in the ass to open...werid that more bands don't use it.

also the DST book thing is indeed sweetness.