Deadhouse Cover


Jul 15, 2005
Heya, I'm currently in the process of recording a Deadhouse Cover...

No vocals yet, but here is first minute or so... Does it have potential?

Guitars, keys sound really good but the midi drum thing is really annoying, especially the clicky sound at the end...i don't know much about recording but I think their should be a way to create a better generic drum sound
Yeah, I used fruity loops generic drum samples for it......There was no synth however, all other sounds created by guitar, believe it or not :p
i know for a fact that you can customize the generic drumkit.

get that strange pause out of the drums, thats the only major annoying thing.
VampiricYouth said:
Heya, I'm currently in the process of recording a Deadhouse Cover...

No vocals yet, but here is first minute or so... Does it have potential?


Nice work man! it absolutely potential :headbang:
I listened up your clip and I just remember I did same thing long times ago but I just did like 30 sec or so~lol I could not figure out how to play after that, I ain't good and I think I need some more ear training:)
sounds might not right but I did try my best to figure out how they plays:)

Anyway, I pretty green in here but I loved Katatonia for long, since DoDS and I would like to say hello to everyones here:wave: