Dear Theocracy, It is not December 16


Dec 3, 2007
As someone who makes websites for a living and helps other people get the most out of their sites, it hurts me to see the front page of "latest news" be from 12/16.

Really, just get an update of some sort out once a month. You have a tour in Europe, an album in the works, an interview with a band member... something that isn't over three months old.

I know being a small band makes it harder, I'm just saying something is better than old info.

Note, this is not a sly way to sell my services or anything (I don't do client or freelance work). Just saying update the front page for your own sakes :)
I support the updates.. when I was younger, when I just got a hold of the internet and metal I used to google the band names and check their own sites... But in time I learned to look for updates on and wikipedia... and of course just by googling rumors.

Band pages are a thing of the past, and the only ones to blame are the bands due to the lack of time.
Band pages are a thing of the past, and the only ones to blame are the bands due to the lack of time.

Yeah, it's all social media and metal news sites now. I stopped looking for news on bands websites a long time ago, because that's just not how it's being done anymore.

While it may be annoying to people if Theocracy doesn't update theirs, it is definitely par for the course for the music biz, so I wouldn't get too bend out of shape about it.
and with this ever-useful forum on here too, maybe there isn't so much of a need for it at all!
Yeah but what about the people who are sort of oldfashioned but still prefer to be informed.

I mean the metalheads who follow music but are aware of only the bands' websites not this forum.

Also, some bands (Angra in particular which I'm sad about) has no forum whatsoever, and people can only get info through (get this) their french fan club blog or youtube channel.

That's just wrong.
Lol, really? Considering their status in the metal'd expect more from Angra.